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Mojave is a fictional country which exists on the bnbmc server. You can learn more here.


Mojave is a thriving country based near the sea. Mojave offers a variety of local amenities and services and multiple transport links between countries.

Welcome to Mojave.

Mojave was originally a canton in the Southeastern Islands, however then seceded and became it’s own entity. Mojave is now developing new lands and leading in innovation. From free healthcare to a range of arts venues and cinemas, Mojave’s beliefs and cultures stretch far – creating a welcoming society for it’s citizens.

Hebrith City

Hebrith is the capital city of Mojave and is home to government, a range of stores and national embassies.

Symbleton Bay

Home of Mojave’s army, Symbleton is a desert plain with a visitor centre and beaches near the coast.

The Wetlands

Mojave Wetlands is home to the Wetlands airport and the Little Joe Theatre, a staple of Mojivian culture.

The Swamplands

The Swamplands are located close to the Wetlands and are home to additional national services.